Ing. Sebastiano Floridia
After graduating as a surveyor at the Ist. Tec. “F. Juvara” of Syracuse, he graduated from the Polytechnic University of Turin on October 1992.
He currently lives with his family and works as freelancer in the city of Syracuse and deals mainly with structural calculations.
In parallel with the project activity, he works on the development of structural design build software.
In particular, in the last 20 years he has made numerous texts, with a structural calculation topic, for the Dario Flaccovio Editore Publishing house in Palermo.
Commission component UNI UNI/CT 021/SC 03 – Steel structures.
Commission component UNI/CT 021/SC 04 – Composite steel-concrete structures.
Component of the italian Delegation representing the National Council of Engineers for drafting European Standard UNI/CT 021/SC 04 – Composite steel-concrete structures.
Counciior of the Order of Engineers of the province of Syracuse in the four- year period 2013-2017 with delegation to the seismic Commission of the Order.
He currently holds the position of President of the Engineers’ order of the province of Syracuse for the four –year period 2017-2021

Ing. Giovanni Conticello
After graduating as a surveyor at the Ist. Tec. “G. B. VACCARINI”, CATANIA,, he graduated to the UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI CATANIA, FACOLTA’ DI INGEGNERIA. Degree in Civil Encineering specialization in structures in October 2002 .
He currently lives with his family and works as freelancer in the city of Militello Val di Catania and deals mainly with structural calculations.
In parallel with the project activity, he works on the development of structural design build software.
In particular, he has made numerous texts, with a structural calculation topic, for the Dario Flaccovio Editore Publishing house in Palermo.