
Frequently Asked Questions, better known with the abbreviation FAQ, are literally the “frequently asked questions”; more exactly, they are a series of responses drawn up directly by the authors, in response to the questions they are asked, or which they would think would be asked, more frequently by users of a certain service: especially on the internet and in particular on the web and in virtual communities there are recurring questions that you prefer to answer publicly with a document so that they are not asked too often, in order to resolve the doubts of new users.

Our programs (software)actually represent a small community of about 4000 installations in its various versions.

During these years, thanks to the many reports of more attentive colleagues, it was possible to intercept small bugs – immediately solved – but above all it was possible to draw information necessary to allow the software to be improved.

faq ABCjoints – Professional

faq JointsForTekla

faq Pitagora